What our service users say about us

Aleksander’s Story

As a child, Aleksander was subjected to continual sexual abuse by his much loved and trusted uncle. Find out how SARAC helped Aleksander to find closure through healing and self-discovery.

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Hanna’s Story

Hanna’s life changed forever three years ago when a stranger attacked and raped her in a public park. Find out how SARAC was able to help Hanna confront and process the trauma she had endured.

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Rani’s Story

Rani’s life took a devastating turn when she was raped by her husband, the person she trusted most in the world. Find out how SARAC was able to help Rani discover her own strength and resilience.

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Client Feedback

I’m an incredibly strong person and no-one can stop me from getting what I want in life. My GP put me through to another service, but they were not a scratch on you guys. I would recommend your service in a heartbeat.
All round a really pleasant and validating experiences. Safe place to talk and to give me advice but gave me the tools to do it myself. Giving me my sense of agency back. Marion worked with me and we came to agreement together
I would definitely recommend the counselling service to my friends.
You at SARAC were always there for me, whenever I needed to access the service I knew you were going to call me back, work around my schedule, sort things out. The well being plan eased things for me. I had never tried something like this before and I’m glad I did, for it helped me greatly.
The service from SARAC was better than other services I have been to. I feel the service is more like for me. I have been so pleased with the whole service.
The service provided is amazing, all parts were. There are so many services you offer. SARAC were very professional and confidential.
The staff and volunteers were wonderful, all people who called me have been great, a huge thank you to all of you.
Absolutely everything was perfect, both Liz and Ellie were amazing.
The methods for grounding I was given were invaluable and absolutely brilliant.
I can honestly say for the first time in a very very long time I don’t have any feelings of wanting to hurt myself or take my life and I am not losing my mind anymore.
I have made a new friend which is unheard of for me.
Please thank John and Liz for me, in a very dark time I had two people who didn’t judge me and they just listened. It was everything I needed.
SARAC has been so good and it’s so good they support at any age and any situation.
I don’t like having to tell my story over and over again and when I changed counsellors the transition was really smooth, and I think it was handled really well.
It was good to be listened to, be heard and actually believed.
I can talk to people I don’t know better and everyone I spoke to at SARAC was really friendly.
I’m sleeping a lot better and my awareness of self-care has increased.


Overall Health and Wellbeing had Improved


Said they were better able to copy with aspects of daily life


Said that their feeling of safety had improved