First Corporate Donor Event

This August, local Marketing Agency, MacMartin, came on board as our first Corporate Donor. They embarked on a staff challenge to raise money for SARAC. We have appealed, to local businesses, through our Corporate Donor scheme for assistance in raising vital funds to allow our charity to cope with a rising demand on our services as we help those that are affected by sexual violence and rape. We are thrilled MacMartin jumped at the opportunity to help.

MacMartin are an agency who specialise in marketing and design. Stepping away from the digital creativity though, the team set upon themselves to raise money as a part of their commitment to giving back. The team decided to become our first Corporate Donor to complete a fundraising challenge, in the form of a bake sale.

After weeks of advertising around the MacMartin offices, and in Derby’s business sector, the bake sale day was upon the MacMartin team. Each staff member had baked their own treats to offer at the sale. On the day the MacMartin office was brimming with cakes, donuts, brownies, sausage rolls, cookies, and more. After splitting into two teams, a bake sale stand was set up at MacMartin itself and another was taken to the Derwent Business Centre in Derby. Running the sale throughout the day, the combined money raised by both teams reached £218.30.

Funds raised by our Corporate Donors allow us to employ more supporters, increase our capacity in times of high demand, offer more therapeutic support, increase training and support for local communities, and complete more research projects, programmes, and workshops to educate and prevent. All donations are directed into areas of the charity that are most in need and can also be used to promote our services, so we are able to reach high-risk groups, counselling professionals, and offer our prevention programmes.

With a huge variety of ways for Corporate Donors to come on board and support SARAC, we would like to invite companies to consider how you might be able to help. From fantastic hands-on approaches, such as MacMartin’s bake sale, to hands-off methods in forms of monthly donations or matched giving, there are several ways you can contribute.

Find out more here.