Celebrating Trustees Week at SARAC
This year’s Trustee Weeks’ runs from 7th – 11th November 2022, and SARAC are shouting about the dedicated trustees that support the charity. Across the UK there are nearly 1 million trustees creating great achievements for charities across all sectors. SARAC’s own trustees having been supporting their cause, which aims to change the outcomes for victims of sexual abuse and/or rape, since the charity’s beginning in 1994.
Trustees are the people working hard behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the charity. Many decisions are taken to the trustees to discuss, and ultimately the best interest of the charity is at the heart of what they do. SARAC’s trustees have regular meetings to ensure they are always progressing and providing the best services possible for survivors of sexual assault and/or rape. Trustees at SARAC also work to bring a positive and welcoming environment for all staff and volunteers to work in.
The theme of Trustees’ Week this year is ‘making a difference in changing times’. Due to the ever-changing world we live in, the official campaign is all about acknowledging these changes and working with the modern environment to continually make a difference as charities. Providing events, training and guidance for all trustees, the Trustees’ Week campaign celebrates sectors’ dedicated trustees, but also acts as an educational tool to help trustees progress further for the benefit of their charities.
SARAC would like to formally thank the trustees who commit themselves to creating success for the charity. It takes time, dedication, and professional efforts to ensure SARAC runs to the high standard that it does. Thank you for making SARAC what it is today and allowing it to develop as the years go by. The running of SARAC will continue to be upheld by the hard work of trustees.