Rani's Story

Rani never experienced respect at the hands of her husband.

Rani’s life took a devastating turn when she was raped by her husband, the person she trusted most in the world. What should have been a safe, loving relationship quickly became a nightmare as she was continually violated in her own home.

The impact of the rape rippled through every aspect of Rani’s life. It wasn’t just the physical pain; it was the erosion of her sense of self-worth. It left her feeling as if her own body was no longer hers to control. The emotional toll was equally devastating, as Rani was forced to grapple with intense feelings of fear, shame, and isolation.

Confused and overwhelmed, Rani struggled to make sense of what had happened to her. She questioned her own judgement, and even began to blame herself, believing that she deserved it, as her husband further destroyed her self-esteem.

With support from her friends and family, Rani was eventually able to safely remove herself from the situation and separate from her husband. However, coping with the aftermath of the rape was a long and difficult journey, and Rani found herself navigating a complex maze of trauma that was affecting all aspects of her day-to-day life. She struggled with depression and severe anxiety, and felt unable to form new romantic relationships. Realising she needed professional help, Rani began counselling with SARAC and was able to begin processing her trauma and healing.

Through it all, Rani discovered her own strength and resilience by refusing to let her husband’s actions define her or dictate her future. Through her counselling, she has been able to reclaim her voice, and is now rebuilding her life on her own terms.

We're here to help...

If you’re experiencing or have experienced sexual abuse or rape, you’re not alone and we’re here to help. Reach out to our friendly team or view our services page to see how we can support you.

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